110 Industries hints they may have struck a deal for Shenmue IV
Real talk. Are we, like, sorcerers or something? Do we bring into reality that which is mere fantasy? Are we harbingers of fate here at Mega Visions? I ask these questions of great profundity because, after we’ve spent the last couple of months waxing lyrical about how fantastic the long-dormant Shenmue IP is, and how wonderful it’d be if SEGA were to pursue a proper fourth installment, a publisher has indicated they’re involved in just such a project. As if conjured into being by nought but our wishes. Clearly, we don’t know our own strength. While I’m at it, how about a Yo-Kai Watch 4 localisation, O evidently-watching gods of creation?
Giving Shenmue 110 percent
As GameRant reports, “Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki appeared at the beginning of 110 Industries’ Tokyo Game Show presentation late last year,” sparking much fan speculation as to what he could have been doing there. You know, because he’s not allowed to just be… hanging around. There must be some significance, surely! Well, such over-analytical thinking could be on the cusp of being rewarded. Even though “neither Suzuki nor his YS Net development studio had any obvious affiliation with the 110 Industries brand,” on an Instagram post promoting 110 Industries’ upcoming games, the publisher invites fans to “guess why [Suzuki] was at [their] TGS stream.” Huh.
For the skeptical, the idea of this particular publisher backing Shenmue 4 doesn’t actually seem all that far-fetched. As per the report, 110 Industries champion a “mantra of encouraging ‘creativity, bold design choices and innovation,'” three qualities which would undoubtedly be consistent with a prospective Shenmue fourquel. Likewise, “Suzuki even went as far as pitching Shenmue 4 to potential publishers directly in late 2020,” so for his part he’s certainly onboard. A match made in Japanese heaven? Only time will tell.
If this does indeed pan out as some suspect, this will be very gratifying for Shenmue enthusiasts, who’ve buckled down and gritted through decades of waiting for the conclusion to the saga.
How about you? Do you agree with this theory, or do you think it’s time for fans to face the Shenmue-sic? Let us know!
Via, GameRant.