Alas, it appears the rumors were true, my fellow SEGA Nerds. After Burner Climax has indeed been removed from purchase from the PlayStation Network and Xbox Marketplace, about a week before we originally thought it would.
However, the mobile versions of the game on iOS and Android are still available to purchase for $2.99 each, but we don’t know how long they’ll remain available. The Xbox 360 demo can still be downloaded for free, and it appears you can re-download the game, at least on PSN, if you’ve previously purchased it.
We’ve reached out to SEGA multiple times for confirmation on the delisting up to this point and have yet to receive a reply or reasoning. The only logical assumption is because SEGA’s aircraft license with Boeing and Northrop Gruman is close to expiring.
If you ignored our multiple calls to action to buy the game before its removal, you can at least read our After Burner Climax review, which The Requiem gave an Excellent rating to. Yeah, you totally should have bought it.