Xbox One owners get a few more Xbox 360 games added to their backwards compatibility list this month, and there is quite a bit of SEGA love to go around.

New to the list this month are Genesis/Megadrive classics Altered Beast and Comix Zone, as well as the SEGA-published adventure game, The Cave.
There are a couple of other SEGA-ish notables on the list, namely Frogger (the original arcade game was distributed by SEGA-Gremlin), and Double Dragon Neon, which is an excellent reinvention of the Double Dragon franchise – one which landed quite a few installments on retro SEGA platforms like the Master System and Genesis. Mini review: Double Dragon Neon is great and I highly recommend it if you enjoy retro-brawlers.
Other non-SEGA related games added this month are Galaga Legions DX, Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime, and Rayman Origins. All pretty good, right? (Stay away from Ghostbusters! Stay away!)
If you own digital copies of any of these games, you can access them in the “Ready to Install” section of your Xbox One. If you own them on disc (Rayman is the only on-disc game in this announcement) then all you have to do is drop the disc in your system, silly!
Source: Tech Raptor