
Bioware is remastering old Star Wars: The Old Republic trailers in 4K

In all my years of following or covering the gaming industry, I have never seen something like this story? Bioware has decided to go back and remaster the trailers for Star Wars: The Old Republic in 4K! Now, let me remind younger readers here these trailers were released eleven years ago, in June 2009. So to go back and start remastering them in 4K is very wild. You can check out the first one below, “Deceived”:

It might seem like an unnecessary thing to do, but this does help game preservation indirectly. Most modern gamers do not understand how impactful these trailers were when they dropped. Star Wars fans lost it at how detailed the universe looked at the time. 

To remaster these trailers with modern tech allows the gaming community to have discussions about how marketing has changed for games! How gaming discourse in specific periods was, and the context as to why people were excited. Imagine if someone can go back and start rendering other older games trailers in 4K? Older gamers could explain the hype behind the first Sonic Adventure trailer in the late ’90s? Or how the cinematic trailer for Dead Island caught mainstream attention and upset gamers when the final game was nothing like it. 

Bravo to Bioware for taking the initiative to do this for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Maybe we can have some more game studios or fans do the same with some video game marketing history!

Via Kotaku

Alex Lehew

28-year-old gamer, writer, content creator, weeb, and Sega fan! I'm old enough to remember when you played Sonic The Hedgehog 2 on a CRT, or how weird Revelations: Persona is. Constantly begging Atlus to make Snowboard Kids 3.
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