
Blaze’s Evercade VS console release pushed back to December

Blaze Entertainment announced Tuesday that their Evercade VS console release is being pushed back from shipping complications amidst the pandemic.

The delay now sets the retro console to arrive around mid-December in Europe – moving NA versions into January 2022. It’s a tiny setback considering the original date was November, but sadly these dates are liable to change depending on future events.

Evercade VS Console

Also mired by delays are six new Evercade cartridges, but they will ship with the console later or early next year. Despite it being a rocky launch, Blaze is handling the situation with finesse as managing director Andrew Byatt addressed their fanbase:

“Many people are aware of the increased pressure that has affected lorry freight, congestion at ports, and the shipping lines to get stock around the world. Like many other companies, we have to rely on this infrastructure to get you your console. Over the past 3 months, this situation has become very challenging and despite the best planning, we have not been able to find any way to improve outcomes.”

A Positive: Evercade VS’ User Interface

The delay may have worried retro hardware fans, but Blaze embraced the unfortunate setback and delivered another announcement on the Evercade VS’ user interface. The sleek menus with an array of neon lights accompanied by quality-of-life functions such as quicksave is a modern-and-retro dream come true – among other revealed information:

  • – Improved Save Game Function with screenshots and the ability to delete save games.
  • – New Display Modes, including Pixel Perfect aspect ratio, background bezels, and scanline filters – changeable on the fly
  • – Detailed Game Information, including an introduction to the game and full control schemes on screen.
  • – Online Updates, additional controller mapping, themes, and background music included!
Evercade VS Console UI

The hardship of releasing Evercade VS among an unbalanced need for shipping channels has proved an uphill battle for Blaze Entertainment. Still, the dream of soon button-mashing through retro-stylized games is alive throughout their video presentation, and the wait will be worth it.

Via: Nintendo Life

Anthony Jones

I'm a late 90s kid still in love with innovative retro titles and the evolution of modern gaming. As a writer, I'm passionate about narrative structure, character analysis, and unique takes on clichés for all forms of interactive mediums. Watching documentaries and learning code is my daily pastime.
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