
Check out the latest trailer for the Halo TV series

A new Halo series in Hollywood skin!

Halo Infinite may have shone the light back on the series, but Paramount studios are determined to bring Microsoft’s legacy shooter to the TV industry as well! With a trailer dropped to set early expectations, so far, Hollywood is killing it.

Paramount initially released 21-second footage on Twitter before the actual trailer premiered during halftime at the AFC Championship. Ironically, Halo is consistently becoming ad-friendly at football games. It’s a nice change of pace that they’re luring in gamers through different means. 

Halo TV Series Trailer

Throughout the trailer, a series of epic clips reveal the Halo world that Paramount is creating. The production is where it needs to be. We can only hope the special effects, character interactions, and battle segments uphold the same space opera epic feel that defines the series. Besides Master Chief, another mainstay of the series is Cortana, who slips in at the end of the trailer to introduce herself. 

Everything considered, we’re bound to see a Halo TV series that resembles the DNA of what makes the game series great visually, but I’d be remiss not to mention the list of game shows/movies that suffered Hollywood changes. Here’s hoping it honors the saga we know and love. 

Via: Eurogamer

Anthony Jones

I'm a late 90s kid still in love with innovative retro titles and the evolution of modern gaming. As a writer, I'm passionate about narrative structure, character analysis, and unique takes on clichés for all forms of interactive mediums. Watching documentaries and learning code is my daily pastime.
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