Did Yuji Naka reveal that Michael Jackson worked on Sonic 3?

If you weren’t aware, it’s the 31st birthday of our Blue Blur, Sonic The Hedgehog! To celebrate, SEGA has rolled out Sonic Origins for the series anniversary. The game has Sonic The Hedgehog 1-3 and Sonic CD included. Now, would it be wild if series creator Yuji Naka revealed the answer to one of the biggest Sonic mysteries ever? You know, the one where Michael Jackson created music for Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles?
In a tweet, Naka found it shocking that Sonic Origins doesn’t use the original Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles soundtrack, even though SEGA has used Michael Jackson music in their Tik Tok videos. You can see the tweet below, along with others showing his evidence.
So, did Michael Jackson work on Sonic 3 or not?
This is not the first time this Michael Jackson mystery has been discussed. Heck, we have even done a breakdown after Brad Buxer discussed the topic earlier this month. But it’s wild this keeps popping up lately.
I get why Naka is confused that SEGA used Jackson’s music in a Tik Tok but can’t for Origins. I can not even begin to explain how the app gets around rights and licensing issues. But video games are a whole other ball game for music licensing. Now, while we have no confirmation officially why the soundtrack was changed, my bet would be on that. Still, it’s another funny wrinkle to this mystery that’s never been directly confirmed nor denied.
Sonic Origins is available now (without music from Michael Jackson) for all modern platforms. What do you think about the mystery of Sonic and the pop star? Let us know in the comments below!
Via Twitter