Episode 2 of the Mega Visions Side Show is Live Now for Patrons Only
Mega Visions Side Show Episode 2: The Wude That You Do
Shenmue 2 is starting to drive Scotty only slightly nuts, and Chris’s game completely died on him. What is going on?! You have to listen to find out how the staff makes their way through this episode of the Mega Visions Side Show as the Shenmue 2 journey continues!
The four Wude, a few falling leaves, and even a few glitches make their way into this episode. Ryo really is a fish out of water, and boy does he have a lot to learn. Chris and Scotty are excited to see where things go as they cringe through every conversation Ryo has with any person of the opposite sex.
Scotty also mentioned the NPC glitch he encountered, which you can enjoy here.
Don’t forget that you can follow along with the MV boys with the same strategy guide here.
The Side Show podcast will be released bi-weekly, alternating with the Mega Visions Show, and is a patron-exclusive show – meaning we’re creating just for you! If you don’t want to listen to it on Patreon, you can add our private RSS to your podcast player of choice after backing the Patreon.