Everything we know about Bayonetta 3
Bayonetta 3 is colliding onto store shelves in 2022. Here's everything we know about it so far!
After years of waiting for Nintendo and PlatinumGames to show off the game, we finally have a new gameplay trailer for Bayonetta 3. The September 2021 Nintendo Direct featured the first look at Bayonetta 3 following a teaser announcement in 2017. For Bayonetta fans, the trailer was welcomed with open arms — especially as it confirmed that the game is set to launch in 2022.
The history of Bayonetta 3
After the release of The Wonderful 101 exclusively for the Wii U in 2013, PlatinumGames established a partnership with Nintendo. Bayonetta 2 launched as a Wii U exclusive in 2014. Some fans of the first game (which released for multiple consoles) were angry at the exclusivity; however, had it not been for Nintendo’s funding, it’s likely that Bayonetta 2 never would have been released.
The game received critical acclaim and fans were excited for PlatinumGames to announce the next title in the series. Shortly after the Switch hit store shelves, Nintendo revealed Bayonetta 3 at the 2017 Game Awards via a short teaser. Beyond the name, we didn’t get any other information — but it was enough to get people excited.
From then, however, the developers were mostly radio silent on the game. All Platinum told us is that it was hard at work on the title, with no trailers to show. That changed for the September Nintendo Direct where Nintendo ended the presentation with the first gameplay trailer for Bayonetta 3. Moreover, it revealed that the game was set to release in 2022.
While there was some occasional worrying news such as the report that the game had changed directors, but that didn’t damper the hype. All throughout the first half of the year, fans eagerly awaited confirmation on a specific release date. Then, a new trailer in July gave us the info we coveted: Bayonetta 3 is launching on Oct. 28.
Now let’s dive into what we know about the gameplay.

Gear up and get hunting
Analyzing the gameplay shown in the Direct trailer, it appears that Bayonetta 3 will continue the same high-octane gameplay of the previous two games. Bayonetta is still equipped with numerous weapons and combat maneuvers to take down giant demonic threats.
Famous mechanics like Witch Time, Torture Attacks, and Wicked Weaves are making a return. We also see Bayonetta summoning the Infernal Demons Gomorrah, Malphas, and Phantsmaranae and using them in battles. Bayonetta now appeals to be able to unleash Torture Attacks on multiple enemies at a time.
We’ve also seen the first example of one of the game’s new mechanics, Demon Masquerade. Using this, Bayonetta can assume the form of a demon (Madama Butterfly in the trailer) to perform devastating attacks. We don’t know how or when Bayonetta will be able to unleash this attack, but it should make for another excellent addition to her arsenal.
One new optional feature is the Naïve Angel mode, an optional (and yes, we’re stressing optional here) mode that severely tones down the nudity. It’s perfect for newcomers who might otherwise be turned off by the series’ sexual nature. Longtime Bayonetta fans might be upset about this, but again, this is optional.

What we know about the story (so far)
We don’t know a lot about the story right now as PlatinumGames is keeping tight-lipped on that front. We do know that the game takes place in the Shibuya area of Tokyo where “mysterious life forms appearing to be neither angel nor demon” are attacking. It’s up to Bayonetta to do what she does best: kick these creatures back to whatever hellhole they came from.
Unfortunately, it seems like longtime Bayonetta voice actress Helena Taylor isn’t returning to voice the iconic witch this time around. We don’t know who is potentially replacing her, but this (alongside the character’s appearance) might indicate that we’re playing as a grown-up Cereza in an alternate timeline. This is only a guess right now, however.
An interesting detail PlatinumGames fans picked up on is the appearance of Lappy, the lovable dog mascot from Astral Chain. Based on his appearance at the beginning of the gameplay trailer, many were expecting that Nintendo was announcing Astral Chain 2 before Bayonetta stepped into frame. Some speculate that this means PlatinumGames is building an extended universe with Bayonetta and Astral Chain (and possibly other properties?) involved. Considering Bayonetta cameos in other Platinum games like The Wonderful 101 and Anarchy Reigns, though, this could just be Platinum being playful.

When can you expect to play Bayonetta 3?
Bayonetta 3 will launch on Oct. 28 for the Nintendo Switch, costing $59.99 USD. In addition to the standard digital edition, the game will be receiving a physical edition as well, dubbed the Trinity Masquerade Edition. It includes a 200-page artbook and three special game sleeves.
In other news, the original Bayonetta is getting a limited physical release in North America. It will launch on Sept. 30 for $29.99 USD.
We’ll be sure to keep you updated with the release date and pre-order information as it comes out. Make sure to come back to this page to see what new details get revealed. In the meantime, you can check out the official site here or the Nintendo page on the game here.
Are you excited to play Bayonetta 3? What are you hoping to see in the game? Let us know!