Fighting Hawk is the newest Arcade Archives title
Here we are again. Arcade Archives marches inexorably up to me once more, and grabs me by the scruff of my neck, refusing to release me until I do its bidding. That bidding being writing about its newest acquisition, the latest addition to its veritable Infinity Gauntlet of classic arcade titles from yesteryear. And you know what? Not even going to attempt to crack any jokes this time. No witticisms to share, no wisdom to impart, no lampoons to hurl. We’d be scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard we’d be boring a hole in it and rendering it unusable as a means of carrying water. So let’s cut straight to the chase.
Taito’s Fighting Hawk is the newest Arcade Archives title. Boom. Short, concise, to the point. How very unlike me. Per GamesPress, the popular 1988 action game is coming to the lineup, and is actually available now on the usual AA platforms: Switch and PS4. Wii U owners, soz. Check out the official description for the release below.

“FIGHTING HAWK is a shooting game released by TAITO in 1988. Players pilot the fighter plane FALCON and battle enemies through stages set on plains, icebergs, glaciers, snowfields, and cities, with the ultimate aim of taking down the enemy’s latest bomber: the DRAGON BAT! Build up your reserves of powerful missiles, then unleash them on high-powered foes!”
Oh, dear. Beginning to adopt Namco’s shouty dialogue now, are we, Taito? Must be catching. Better flee as fast as you can before it COMPLETELY TAKES OVER. OH GOD. PUT A BULLET IN ME BEFORE IT SPREADS.
Via, GamesPress.