Grand Theft Auto Trilogy becomes one of Metacritic’s lowest-rated games in history
Well, here’s a turn-up for the books. Unless, of course, you’re Rockstar Games, and the book we’re talking about is your accounting book for the November financial month – in which case, it’s a turn down. A turn way, way, way down. Their latest release — Grand Theft Auto Trilogy — is a ‘next-gen’ tune-up of the first three 3D installments.
It turns out, GTA Trilogy has not only turned out to be a bit of a dud with fans. Because the internet is awesome, they’ve taken their ire out in the most horrifyingly stroke amusingly tangible way possible these days. As tangible as you can get in cyberspace, that is. How, you ask? By blasting the game’s Metacritic page with reviews so negative that it now ranks among some of the worst ever stinkers to grace the site. Bit dramatic if you ask me, but then, when isn’t the internet?

What happened to Grand Theft Auto Trilogy?
As soon as the trilogy hit last week, complaints began; ranging from some levelled at the visuals – which, in fairness, appear to have been given only the slightest of Poundland polish since the 2000s – to more broad comments about the package’s overall presentation and design choices. For example, several in-game songs have been nixed from the car radio, likely due to licensing issues, resulting in some players’ favorite tunes going AWOL. Reports of glitches and bugs also abound, which is almost par for the course these days. It really, really shouldn’t be.

Some of these observations were being mentioned as far back as the game’s announcement, so it’s understandable that a contingent of fans feel like their feedback wasn’t listened to. While we all appreciate that game development is hard, it is still disappointing to see what could have been a fantastic celebration of this landmark franchise turn out to be a divisive wet fart.
NicheGamer has the scoop on the total lambasting gamers have given the title on the review aggregator. “Across multiple platforms, the game has an average user score just shy of 0.6 out of 10 across almost 7,000 reviews. The lowest score is 0.4 on the Xbox One version. Critic scores are not yet plentiful enough for official figures, but across the ten currently available, it averages out to 53 out of 100.”

It gets worse?
In case you were thinking, “Well, the previous-gen versions suck, sure; but maybe the PS5 one will be better,” let me rip that particular Band-Aid off for you. At this time of writing, “the game on PlayStation 5 is the 10th lowest user-rated game on Metacritic. Lower rated games include FIFA 21 (PlayStation 4), NBA 2K21 (PlayStation 4), FIFA 20: Legacy Edition (Nintendo Switch), and Madden NFL 21 & 22 (across PlayStation and Xbox consoles).” Sucks if you’re a sports fan, then? Might as well just nip outside and kick a real ball around.
Much like a hijacked car careening towards a Vice City police blockade, this release seems to have been an utter wreck. It remains to be seen whether Rockstar will address the issues with a statement, or – ideally – a patch, but be sure to stay tuned for all the latest.
Are you among the fans who are decrying the trilogy? Let us know!
Via, NicheGamer.