Grand Theft Auto trilogy to receive a patch next week
There have been few bigger laughingstocks in the world of gaming recently than the multi-cloned Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy: The Definitive Edition (try saying that five times fast, preferably while concussed). It’s a curious equation. Individually, the three games which make up the maligned compilation are regarded as some of the finest entries in the beloved car-jacking franchise, if not seminal titles for the industry in general. However, bundled together, things seem to have come apart faster than a stolen jeep careening off the local Liberty City mesa.
Upon release, GTA:TT:TDE, which is apparently no catchier in acronym form, was marred by a plethora of issues. Glitches, poor visuals, stiff cutscene animation which was especially embarrassing given the supposed technical upgrades used, missing classic tunes thanks to copyright issues; it all piled on to make the package a bit of a miserable experience.
In response, Rockstar Games have pledged to address fan complaints via a series of patches (that seems to be a bit of a sad trend these days: release unfinished game and get money now, fix it over the internet later) which have been slow, but respectably steady, going. Now, as Video Games Chronicle reports, the game is set to receive several new updates in the coming week. Updates, plural. How they spoil us.

In a Tweet, Rockstar announced that “new patches are coming next week for Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy: The Definitive Edition across all platforms.” Drastically overestimating the warmth with which this news was likely to be received, the company concluded with “we appreciate the community’s patience and support.” Must have taken a wrong turning into Twitter by mistake.
However, as for what these patches will actually do? Reinstate missing music? Smooth over the performance? Brick some consoles? That’s rather scant on the details. “It’s currently unclear what the patches will do,” states the report, “and if the Tweet refers to multiple patches, or simply one patch coming to multiple platforms.” Syntax, my friends. It’s so very crucial.
Hopefully, whatever content the updates provide, it’ll go some of the long, long way to mitigating the mess the trilogy caused. Financially, it actually performed quite well, so Rockstar do at least have monetary incentive to continue improving things from their end. If it had bombed, we may well have had a piece of abandonware on our hands – and that’s just not on, is it?
What’s your take on all this? Did you purchase Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy: The Definitive Edition? Can you pronounce Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy: The Definitive Edition? Let us know!
Via, Video Games Chronicle.