Greetings fellow SEGA Nerds!
I’d just like to poke my head in and give a quick hello to everybody here on SEGA Nerds.
As of today I’ll be contributing to the website with articles, features and more. I have been following the site for as long as I can remember and I was quite active on the forums a few years back. Whether it be reading the fantastic reviews, listening to interviews or simply catching up on how much closer G is to that company promotion each week on the Nerdcast, I think there always has been plenty of unique SEGA content to enjoy and I want to help keep it that way. It’s great to be one of the nerds.
Enough about me. I’d like to hear more about you guys. What do you want to see more of here on SEGA Nerds? If you have any feedback for me or simply wish to get in touch, feel free to send me a message on the forums or give me a bell over on Twitter.