Intellivision offices empty and available to lease
Well, there it is. In what represents perhaps the most loudly resounding death knell for the beleaguered Intellivision Amico console – which has faced delay after part shortage after controversy after cancellation after… hilariously botched unboxing video – the company itself, Intellivison, have vacated their California offices. Entirely. Gone, vanished, in absentia. Given the radio silence we’ve heard regarding the Amico of late, and reports surfacing of retailers being told they won’t be receiving the system, it’s safe to assume backers likely won’t be getting their mitts on it anytime soon.
The story comes courtesy of NintendoLife, who confirm that the buildings “are now standing empty and available to lease.” To anyone, I might add, so if you’re after a bit of SoCal real estate, why not check out the listing? The news was “highlighted by Ian and Pat on the latest Completely Unnecessary Podcast,” two avid defenders of the retro scene.

On the show, the duo engaged in an “in-depth discussion of the vacant offices and other unfortunate aspects of the Intellivision Amico story, and Ian and Pat’s experiences,” including an Amico developer “demonstrating lag on the system.” Always a good sign. Intellivision have now had a CEO step down, and, as the article notes, the COVID-19 pandemic “struck a blow to the already struggling project.” Perhaps the writing was on the proverbial wall from the start? All that remains now, I suppose, is for folks to get their refunds. Uh.. good luck with that.
Hey, invest said refunds wisely and you might be able to afford the offices yourselves. Then you could get the project rolling again! We’re counting on you.
How do you feel about this development? Did you back the Amico? Let us know!
Via, NintendoLife.