Intellivision shows off Amico unboxing, demos functional model
You know, for a console bearing the name Intellivision, this thing’s marketing and development haven’t been particularly intelligent – nor visible, for that matter. Couple that with the fact the atmosphere surrounding the debacle has been anything but amicable, the moniker Intellivision Amico therefore represents a 100% truth failure. Almost impressive. A serious lack of communication pertaining to a series of delays (first caused by COVID, then parts supply issues, and now arguably mismanagement) have thoroughly soured many who initially pledged their cash to the project. Intended to be a family-oriented marriage of old and new, multiple question marks have been irrevocably slapped over the Amico; especially considering recent reports doubting the company’s financial viability, and that we’ve yet to see much concrete proof it even… well, exists.
Out of the box thinking
As NintendoLife reports, however, the company are taking some steps to offer up video evidence that we may yet get our greasy mitts on the console. They’ve “now released an unboxing video that also showcases a functioning unit,” likely in an attempt “to reassure potential customers and investors.” At least we’re all being upfront about the motive here. Kind of refreshing.
Check out the tremendously professional unboxing below:
At first glance, the video does seem to represent marked progress for the Amico. For a start, it’s the first time we’ve clapped eyes on official packaging, though whether or not it’s a dummy created just for this purpose is up to your cynicism. The demonstration includes “the Amico connecting to a TV, running multiple games, switching Home menu languages, connecting online and accessing a version of its store,” which is all very well, and certainly gets across that the system (kind of?) works, but we’re still some way off from a final state, clearly.
Indeed, cracks in the presentation begin to show if you scrutinize it a bit more closely. The supposedly European packaging, bearing the requisite PEGI logo, belies a North American power adapter, and the user is prompted to give an American zipcode when signing in to the alleged EU version of the e-store. Whoopsie daisy.

Final thoughts
Whether this means the whole video is a Steve-Jobs-demoing-the-iPhone style mockup, or these are just technical oddities to be smoothed over, we may never know. Apparently, a copy of the clip was sent to “those with direct pre-orders with Intellivision, along with a message from CEO Phil Adam,” reiterating that the company is “in negotiations with potential investors/acquirers, and that during this process, we continue to push forward with Amico.”
Push forward? At this stage, you may need to bring some dynamite and chainsaws, mate, because pushing doesn’t seem to be cutting it. (Also, we’re meant to be nearing release, and you’re still negotiating with investors? Yikes.) I joke, of course, but until the Amico is in our hands, we’ll just have to trust that seeing is believing.
How about you? Do you feel that your Intellivision is being insulted with this demo? Do you buy it? Did you buy the console? Let us know!
Via, NintendoLife.