Lucky father wins custom Sonic PS5 for his son
Riddle me this, gamers. What’s better than a PS5? Well, aside from all the obvious answers (a PlayStation 1, a PlayStation 2, a PlayStation 3, just for starters). A PS5 that’s free, of course.
And that’s precisely what one lucky dad has snagged for his kid as part of a recent online giveaway. To commemorate Sonic the Hedgehog’s 30th anniversary, graphic novel company IDW – who are currently holding the reins to the Blue Blur’s comic universe after the folks at Archie let the poor fella go – put on a special event. The spoils? One shiny, new, Sonic-themed PlayStation Cinco for the victor. The terms? A mere subscription to IDW’s Sonic newsletter. Sounds simple enough; but, alas for the million who doubtless gave it a punt, such simplicity typically indicates there can only be one winner.

That winner turned out to be YouTuber Nerd Logic Creations, who, as GameRant reports, saw the prize as an opportunity to “bond with his son”. Apparently, his kid spends a lot of time playing games, and is a Sonic nut, so things couldn’t have worked out more serendipitously for them. D’aww.
He even took it upon himself to film his offspring receiving the gift, so low were the odds of them actually winning, and it really is a tearjerking treat to behold. Have a look below, and ready your heart’s cockles for immediate warming:
Something about seeing this kid’s eyes go from a look of total disbelief, to gradual understanding, and then finally shrieks of joy as it fully dawns on him what’s happened just really gets to me. Maybe I’m a soft touch; or maybe my other half’s been chopping onions for her famous chili again. Yeah, onions. Let’s go with that. I’ve a semi-consistent image to uphold here, people.
If you’re curious as to precisely what was in the bundle the pair won, the report has laid it out nicely for us: “a GameStop Exclusive comic-style Sonic plush, every graphic novel of all of Sonic’s IDW adventures so far, and some other Sonic merchandise. Amongst all of the merch was Sonic Forces, Sonic Mania Plus, and Team Sonic Racing for PS4, which was a clear sign of what the father saved for last. In the final box opened on the video was a custom PS5 with hand-drawn artwork, which the dad tells his son right away is his to keep.”
Crikey. That’ll give The Gadget Show a run for its money.
We wish all the best to this now very-happy family, and hope they enjoy Sonic Mania Plus, Team Sonic Racing, and (what they can of) Sonic Forces. May this awesome score lead to many cherished father-son memories.

You know what? I think I’m gonna go phone my dad. You only get one, folks. Treat ’em well while you have ’em. That’s the moral of the story.
Are you touched by the outcome of this competition? Did you enter? Let us know below!