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Man attempts to rob bank, with a hammer, wearing a Sonic mask

Gotta mug fast.

Despite its mixed reception, there’s one aspect of Sonic 2006 that most gamers can agree is completely legendary. No, not the rockin’ soundtrack. Nor the introduction of fan-favorite characters like Silver. Not even the pigeon named Hatsun, who appears in one hub and delivers precisely one line before disappearing forever (“coo,” for the curious) can measure up. I refer, of course, to Sonic Man. This, ahem, eccentric individual is a middle-aged bloke who crops up in Sonic’s campaign, hanging around Soleanna Castle Town and presumably attracting nervous looks from the young female populace.

Decked out in full hedgehog garb, spines included, he challenges the Blue Blur himself to a race; for you see, Sonic Man is not just a dedicated fan who happens to enjoy cosplay. Nay, he believes himself to be Sonic, and must trounce the rodent in battle to claim the crown. Seeing him run through Soleanna’s lifeless streets, awkwardly mo-capping the iconic ‘arms behind you as you run’ pose, is the kind of stuff split sides are made of. It’s nice to see SEGA representing, shall we say, certain portions of their fan community in the games proper.

Sonic Man from Sonic 06.
The Genesis t-shirt is a nice touch. Not sure about the visor.

However, what happens when someone takes a little too much inspiration from Sonic Man? When someone claps eyes on this bizarre creation and thinks “you know what, he’s onto something”? And more to the point, what happens when this particular someone happens to have criminal intent? Well, you’d probably get something like today’s story. As Kotaku reports, a man in Florida has been arrested for attempting to rob a bank. But this was no ordinary stick-up. The robber committed the crime while wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog mask. Seriously. Also, he was armed not with a gun, as is general tradition, but with a large hammer (ah, taking inspiration from Amy Rose too, are we?)

The robbery attempt unfolds

“On February 2, local police were dispatched in response to an attempted bank robbery in DeLand, Florida,” reads the report. “According to witnesses on the scene, the man entered the bank wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog mask and wielding a large hammer,” which must have been reason enough for said witnesses to question whether they hadn’t had a bit too much to drink.

The bank in question was a branch of Florida Credit Union. Statements indicate the man entered the building waving his blunt weapon about and used it to bang on the glass separating customers from the teller. After repeated demands to hand over cash fell on deaf ears, the would-be bandit made a break for it – though not quite at the same speed as his inspiration would have managed. By this point, other clerks in the bank had alerted the police; but after a brief chase on foot, the man managed to escape. “Authorities searched the area for any sign of the suspect, but he was apparently they found nothing and no arrest has been made yet.” Have they tried checking Tails’ house? He might be in on it.

Tails' house from Sonic Adventure.
He’s got a convenient escape runway, too.

All joking aside, this was likely a harrowing incident for those involved, and it’s reassuring to know that no lasting damage was caused, physically or monetarily. FCU’s assistant VP of branch operations, Brian Leatherman, told local newspapers that “nobody was hurt during the short robbery attempt and no money was stolen, either. Everybody is safe, nothing was taken, and local police are on it.” Well, that’s about as succinct a response as one could hope for.

Right, back to laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing. Just what was this guy thinking? Was he hoping that, with sufficiently blurry cameras and perhaps the adoption of an irritating ’90s accent, he’d be able to frame Sonic for the crime? Better sweep the area for traces of chili dog sauce, just to be safe.

What’s your take on this baffling situation? Would you like to see this Sonic Man copycat brought to justice? Let us know!

Via, Kotaku.

Bobby Mills

Motor-mouthed Brit with a decades long - well, two decades, at least - passion for gaming. Writer, filmmaker, avid lover of birthdays. Still remembers the glory days of ONM. May it rest in peace.
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