You knew it was comin’ and it’s time to mark that Saturday on your calendars: September 11th at 7:00AM EST! That’s right, it’s time once again for the Dreamcast 24-Hour Marathon! Let’s get that hype train rolling to help a great cause through Extra Life and give away a Dreamcast console! Take a look at last year’s clip video to get an idea of the insanity to come:
Even though 2020 was a crazy year, all of you reading this helped us raise a total of $1,726 last year and we are hoping to smash at least $2,000! Can we do it!? I THINK SO!
It all goes back to that fateful date of 09/09/99 when I tried my hardest to convince my parents to let me skip school. I did not end up skipping, but I visited Best Buy immediately AFTER school to grab that “shiny” console, Sonic Adventure, and a VMU with those words flashing everywhere, “It’s Thinking.” And now, 22 years later that little gray box is #StillThinking!
As always, we will be streaming the full marathon on Twtich, and tonight (Wednesday) I will be kicking off some of the hype myself with a little bit of Blue Stinger, one of those launch games everyone bought and no one understood. A survival horror? In bright lights? On Christmas? Woo!
Stay tuned to this spot for more info including the full schedule of games!