Mega Visions, Radio SEGA team up for exclusive feature
Hey there, Mega Fans!
I’m David, better known around the RadioSEGA community as KC. For those not familiar withRadioSEGA, we’re an online radio station that plays SEGA music all day, everyday. We also host a variety of SEGA-themed shows, some focused on the music, others on community-made remixes and covers, and even talk shows.
I’m delighted to be able to tell you about RadioSEGA’s collaboration with Mega Visions. If you’re as passionate about SEGA/Atlus music as we are, I’m sure you’d like to know more about the people behind your favourite soundtracks and even the talented musicians in the community who remix those tracks.
That’s where we come in.
In each issue of Mega Visions, we’ll give you the chance to get to know these artists in exclusive interviews. We’ll take advantage of the amazing capabilities of the Mega Visions app and adding those interviews in audio form. Plus, we’ll provide a playlist of the best remixes the community has put out in recent times for your listening enjoyment while you browse through the magazine.
We hope you’ll be excited about this feature as much as we are to provide it for you. As always, please offer us your thoughts and opinions on how we can shape this column for you and any suggestions on artists you’d like to see featured!
That’s it for now, but see you next time, Mega Fans!
P.S. If you haven’t already joined the Mega Visions forums, they’re now open for all backers who pledged to receive that reward. Join up now!
Radio SEGA