Mega Visions Spotlight: Argick, Twitch speedrunner and streamer
We here at Mega Visions have a huge soft spot for SEGA mascots, games, and everything else related to the developer. There’s a gentleman that has started streaming on Twitch and has gotten a huge following with a assist from the Blue Blur. Argick is a speedrunner, Twitch streamer and a lover of all things Sonic. Yes, that includes Amy.
Mega Visions: Tell us about yourself.
Argick : I’m Argick, a guy that’s loved video games since he was a kid, and I’m Scottish too.
Mega Visions: What, or who, got you into streaming?
Argick: It was myself. I’ve always enjoyed playing games since I was a kid all the way back in the 90’s and I’d been watching folks on Twitch since 2011. Around 2015 I decided to try out streaming because I’m playing video games regardless so why not try and share my experiences.
Mega Visions: What was your earliest gaming memory?
Argick: Sitting in the flat I grew up in with my Mum’s SEGA Mega Drive playing Sonic 2, Mega Bomberman and Micro Machines.
Mega Visions: Out of all of the characters in history why Sonic?
Argick: He’s the character and game series I grew up with. As I got older and more games were released I related to the character more, the music was pretty good and the games were awesome.

Mega Visions: What got you into speed running and when you started to speed run was your first pick Sonic, if not, what was?
Argick: I’d been watching GDQ for years and always said “I’ll try that!” then never actually bothered to start until 2016. That was the year I started to take streaming seriously and not stream just whatever, whenever. There was an event planned called “Sonic Speed R” by SegaJunkie which was a speed running celebration of Sonic for his 25th anniversary.
Each day the Sonic speed run community were racing a game and it was open to all skill levels so I decided as a newbie it was the perfect time to join and meet folks. I ended up being 1 of 3 people to enter all the races over the month, 25 or 26 in total. It was great fun and at the end of it I’d made some friends and decided that Sonic Adventure DX was going to be my first speed run to learn.
Mega Visions: You’ve said that you’ve wanted a top 10 time in every main stream Sonic: The Hedgehog game, why?
Argick: It’s a challenge that I don’t think anyone else has considered since most Sonic runners are either a 2D classic game runner or 3D modern runner and it gives me a long term content plan
Mega Visions: You’ve provided your own “Couch Commentary” for 2 GDQ Speedruns, how long did it take you to get to that point to not only play and talk, but talk so dang fast.
Argick: My commentary style is something that I’ve grew into over time I’d say it began to come around about 2018. It came from my desire to show how much fun we have but also being informative too. The downside to that was as I got better at and faster in the game it became harder to do commentary.
As I had less time to say what I wanted to. This lead me to refine what I wanted to say in my commentary and speed it up so as I get faster playing the game I get faster with commentary. I try to keep commentary fluid and I like to change it up at times with some jokes and the order of how things are explained can be changed so each showcase isn’t 100% the same every time.

Mega Visions: Talking To Amber Cyprian (One of Argick’s Twitch mods and GDQ HotFix Show Host) I asked them to describe you and they said “Argick is a friendly, energetic, easy going person who is a genuine gem among the speed running community and a fantastic friend. He’s the definition of high energy, chill vibes, and I couldn’t be happier to call him a friend and see him succeed in his personal goals as both a content creator and a speedrunner.”
I happen to agree with them. So, if you can say anything to the speed running community as someone from the inside looking out towards fans of yours, what would you want to say to them?
Argick: Thank you to everyone who has watched my content and enjoys what I do. I wouldn’t be able to do this without the support of everyone who has come around and I fully intend to keep going and reach full time. It’s not an easy journey but it’s gonna be a fun one! (Thank you for the wonderful message Amber!)
You can join Argick tomorrow morning for the charity speed running event for “Rise Against The Disorder” at 6:00AM EST at his personal Twitch channel!