Mega Visions – Welcome to a new kind of SEGA magazine
If you’re like me and thousands of other SEGA fans, you probably spent a good portion of your childhood in your bedroom pouring over each and every issue of your favorite SEGA magazine to see what new and upcoming games or systems were on the horizon.
Many of my old magazines still sit inside my closet, and although they’re now wrinkled with age and use over the years, just flipping through a couple pages is enough to bring all those great memories flooding back.
It’s no wonder why video game magazines have such a soft spot in our hearts. They’re like gateways back to our youth … back to simpler times when our biggest worry was whether we wanted to ask our parents for a 32X or maybe wait for the SEGA Saturn.
It’s a damn shame that there aren’t any SEGA-focused magazines around these days. In fact, it’s been a long time since there was one that really did it right.
Today, all that changes, and I’d like to introduce you to something that we’ve been working on behind the scenes here at SEGA Nerds for the better part of a year.
It’s called Mega Visions.
Mega Visions is a brand new, digital SEGA magazine that we believe will carry on the legacy of all the great SEGA magazines of old, like SEGA Visions, the Official Dreamcast Magazine and Mean Machines SEGA, to name a few.
Mega Visions isn’t going to be your every day magazine. We’ve worked with the designers behind the Official Dreamcast Magazine, Next Generation and RETRO magazine to create a design that’s reminiscent of those great SEGA magazines but can also stand proudly on its own.
It’s been created from the ground up to integrate a ton of awesome multimedia and interactive features that no other SEGA magazine has had before, and will be compatible with all your devices, including your smartphone, tablet and PC. We’ll be able to feature video, slideshows, audio, animation and a multitude of other exciting features that will add up to being something we hope will be pretty special.
Of course, a magazine is only as good as the articles within, and we already have a ton of awesome unique features and columns planned that we’re sure SEGA fans will love.
More than anything, though, we want Mega Visions to be YOUR magazine.
How do we make that happen, you ask?
Well, we’re going to Kickstarter on June 20th to raise enough money to fund our first year of publication. Each and every backer will have the opportunity to help us shape Mega Visions into what they want it to be.
We sincerely hope you’ll give our Kickstarter a look and consider investing in Mega Visions to help us achieve this dream when we launch this Monday!