SNK is rereleasing Metal Slug 1st Mission and Metal Gear 2nd Mission on the Nintendo Switch, bringing the obscure handheld titles to a wider release. Originally developed for the Neo Geo Pocket Color, these two games were the first spin-offs in the Metal Slug series. Now, they’ve both arrived on the Nintendo Switch via the Metal Slug 1st & 2nd Mission Double Pack.
The games were previously available on the Switch via the Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 bundle. This standalone release contains the two Metal Slug titles, adding yet another Metal Slug release for the console.

All about Metal Slug 1st & 2nd Mission Double Pack
1st Mission and 2nd Mission launched on the Neo Geo Pocket Color in 1999 and 2000 respectively. Developed by Ukeyotei and published by SNK, the games take the run-and-gun-and-sometimes-tank action of the console games and shrink it down to fit the smaller screen of the NGPC. If nothing else, 1st and 2nd Mission certainly captured the essence of the other games even on a much less powerful system.
Unfortunately, the Neo Geo Pocket Color’s failure doomed these titles to fall into obscurity. Now, however, they have the chance to reach an audience on a much more mainstream console.
Check out the gameplay trailer below, courtesy of SNK:
These are far from the first Metal Slug titles to grace Nintendo’s latest console. Thanks to the Arcade Archives Neo Geo initiative, the first five Metal Slug games as well as Metal Slug X, an updated version of Metal Slug 2, have all made their way to the Nintendo Switch. Bringing over these handheld titles shows that SNK is continuing the keep the franchise alive through ports and rereleases.
And that won’t even be the end of it. The latest game in the franchise, Metal Slug Tactics, launches on the Switch next year. While we wait for that game to come out, it’s the perfect time to experience these classic titles whether you’re a Metal Slug veteran or jumping into the series for the first time.

Metal Slug 1st & 2nd Mission Double Pack is published by SNK. It is available now on the Nintendo Switch. You can also purchase the games as part of the Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 collection.
Via Games Press.