More Sonic Frontiers news due ‘soon’, says SEGA
The Sonic fanbase is, as ever, on ravenous tenterhooks waiting for details concerning his next adventure, Sonic Frontiers. As a fan who lived through the Great Forces Letdown of 2017, this, if nothing else, teaches us that we never learn. But I’ll be damned if I don’t still love the little blue bugger. With his new movie breaking box office records left, right and left and right again, like some sort of methodical male cow in a crockery production plant, general interest in the Blue Blur has rarely been higher, so it’s odd that SEGA haven’t readied a new trailer or something to capitalise. If there’s one thing they do know how to do, it’s capitalise. Such a dearth of info has given some folks pause, especially considering all we’ve seen so far is a gameplay-free CGI teaser. Bit suspicious, that.

But fear not! SEGA have leapt – or plodded – into action to reassure everyone that it won’t be long. Er, too long. Per NintendoLife, while the game is still “on track for a holiday 2022 release,” meaning “there’s no need to worry about any delays or anything like that,” Sonic’s social media mogul Katie Chrzanowski has nonetheless taken it upon herself to toss some pre-emptive water on the fire. In a recent livestream, she had the following to say regarding Sonic Frontiers:
“See a lot of people asking about [Sonic] Frontiers – we don’t have news on Frontiers today, but don’t worry. Soon. It’s still set to come out this holiday, so we will have news for you this year, don’t worry.”
Soon. Soon. Thanks for narrowing it down there, Kate. The closest she gives us to a timescale is the phrase ‘this year’. That puts the next trailer somewhere in the ballpark of the next, oh, 7 months? At the most? No rush, then. And maybe that’s for the better, given that Sonic Team have declared their intent not to repeat the days of 06 and Secret Rings’ ‘rush to market’ mentality. Gloved fingers crossed, everybody.
How about you? Can you wait until ‘soon’? Are you at least glad the game’s still on track? Do you anticipate a delay? Let us know!
Via, NintendoLife.