New Sonic movie short, ‘Sonic Drone Home’, available to watch
It’s no secret that the Sonic movie sequel has gone down like wet cement. Not only is it breaking box office records the world over – at last putting paid to the notion that video game films can’t do well, as it turns out all you have to do is make ’em correctly – but fans and general audiences have cosied up to the family favourite. That includes longtime veteran Sonic enthusiasts (you know who you are, and ta for the click) and a whole generation of new fans that is being bred as I type by all these new big-screen adventures for the Blue Blur. I’m set aquiver by the thought of what it’ll do to our traffic.
Droning on
With a threequel and a Knuckles spinoff show on the horizon, the franchise’s outlook has rarely been brighter; but just in case you don’t fancy waiting another couple of years to return to the surreal, James-Marsden-infested universe of the movies, Paramount have you covered. To commemorate the sequel’s jump to home media, they’ve put together Sonic Drone Home, a brief animated short that reunites the three mammalian stars of the film, and which presumably has Steven Spielberg’s lawyers reaching for the phone.
Check it out below, courtesy of an upload which may or may not still exist in a week’s time:
In the short – wholly CGI, in a departure from the films – Sonic, Tails and Knuckles have a bit of a mooch about before encountering a downed Eggman drone. Only problem is, it’s less ‘downed’ and instead very much ‘upped’, having tinkered with itself to develop cognitive capabilities. The 4-minute escapade shows how the team deal with this intellectually-advanced threat, and end up neutralising it in a rather poetic manner. Corny banter, ball-numbing action, it’s all here and business as usual.
Ben Schwartz reprises his role as Sonic, but understandably Idris Elba is a tad busy and expensive for a lower-scale project like this, so he’s replaced by Fred Tatasciore. Slightly more baffling is Colleen O’Shaughnessey, who’s played Tails for a decade and makes a point of doing him in all external media where possible, not doing him here, despite being well chuffed to be cast in the movie. Instead, Alicyn Packard of Tom and Jerry and Yo-Kai Watch fame takes up the furry yellow mantle. Who knows? Colleen could have been sick. Get well soon, love. We need you for the third one.
What’s your opinion on the short? Would you like to see others like it? Let us know!
Via, YouTube.