Oh my God, you did it!
Well, we (that includes you!) did it … not only did we reach our goal, but we totally obliterated it! Our goal was a lofty $13,000, but because of your amazing support, we raised nearly $16,000 and blew past our goal.
Because of you, Mega Visions will become a reality.
We fully understand these past several weeks have been the easy part. The tough part is ahead of us, and we’re so excited and motivated to get to work and deliver the very best SEGA magazine we possibly can.
Now that the Kickstarter is over, our next step is to create the Mega Visions forum, which our backers will have exclusive access to for the next 30 days. Within this forum, our backers will be able to offer suggestions ranging from games they’d like to see reviewed, features and columns they’d like to see implemented and talk directly with the Mega Visions staff.
We’ll also be sending out surveys to gather additional information, like mailing addresses for those who will receive physical rewards and ensuring we have your correct email address.
Once that’s done, we’ll get to work on finalizing our order for the physical rewards. If everything goes right, we’re hoping to get started shipping these in September.
As we move forward, we’ll also start working with those of you who pledged to choose a review or write your own review. We’ll have some guidelines to help you write your review to ensure it matches the Mega Visions’ format and style, but rest assured, the content of the review will be all you!
If you have any questions, please email us at megavisionsmag@gmail.com!