PAX East 2022 interview with Frédéric Gémus on designing TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge
DotEmu’s upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge is one of our most-anticipated beat ’em ups set to release this year. We got a chance to play the Tribute-developed brawler at PAX East over the past few days and came away very satisfied with the short time we had with the game.
We were also lucky enough to speak with Tribute Games’ Frédéric Gémus, who’s handling game design on Shredder’s Revenge, during PAX East.

A bit about TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge
The game is based on the TMNT animated series, which aired from 1987 through 1993, and its inspirations are immediately evident upon seeing the game in action. It shouldn’t be a surprise the game looks so beautiful as Tribute Games previous release was Panzer Paladin, which was a big hit in the Mega Visions offices.
Another notable aspect is the game’s roster. TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge obviously stars our “Heroes in a Half Shell,” but also features April O’Neil and Master Splinter as playable characters. The characters don’t have separate move sets, but their animations, attacks and special moves are all unique to their personalities, which adds to the game’s charm.
Perhaps most exciting for people who enjoy couch co-op or playing online with friends, Shredder’s Revenge not only supports four player local and offline co-op play, but Gémus said the game’s difficulty will scale depending on how many human players are playing the game, with more enemies and aggressive bosses.
In addition to that, the brilliant Tee Lopes is handling the game’s soundtrack. We also got a chance to interview Tee Lopes, which you can watch below:
When and where can you play it?
TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge is developed by Tribute Games and published by Dotemu. It releases in 2022 on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
You can wishlist it on Steam here.