Phantasy Star Online 2 beta testers can unlock a Dreamcast Mag
The Dreamcast is back, baby!
Phantasy Star Online on the Dreamcast is one of my favorite games of all time. I have vivid memories of snaking the Dreamcast’s 75-foot phone cord through my house to get it connected to our incredibly slow dial-up internet.
It truly was an amazing feat that SEGA was able to pull off on such a slow speed, but PSO was a truly magnificent game. Thankfully, SEGA has finally come to its senses and announced Phantasy Star Online 2 will release in the West.
Players can currently sign up to participate in the game’s closed beta testing, and those who do will be able to unlock some awesome prizes, like a Dreamcast Mag by completing challenges. You can register to participate in the closed beta here.
PSO 2 is scheduled to release on the Xbox One and PC sometime in 2020.