Review: RE:CALL [Xbox Series S]
We need to talk about Bruno.
RE:CALL, from developer Matías Schmied and publisher Whitethorne Games, is a hybrid visual novel and puzzler with some tough questions to ask. Playing as Bruno, the titular character with a relatable backstory, and some strange powers, players must make their way through his, and other memories to decipher what is real, and what is a changed event. The fate of the world is at risk.
If you had the power to change the past, would you? And what if, by changing the past, you can save a life? Is it worth it? Those are just a few questions Bruno, and the player faces in RE:CALL. Starting out, in a short, but wonky tutorial, we are introduced to The Toymaker, and a seemingly innocent, lost high school student. Not going to lie, it was a bit confusing, and I died- a lot. But this is all part of the grand scheme. Once I clued into what was really going on, the game took on a new meaning.

Time Keeps on Turning
RE:CALL, as the title suggests, relies heavily on the ability granted to Bruno by “them” to recall, or rewind events happening to him, his friend Harry and several other characters. Sometimes, this can lead to the loss of life, including Bruno’s. Each death, however, is a clue to what is the “right” path to take. And thankfully, the mysterious “them” set us back to the before time- before we made a choice that came out badly. That doesn’t mean the decision was wrong. In fact, there is a lot to learn from each mistake made.

The story in RE:CALL is complex, happening in the past, present and future. Each piece moves separately but affects everything as a whole. Imagine clogs in a clock shifting individually to tell us the current time. Moving an object in the past could open a section of a building previously blocked. Emptying a box with a bomb in it may kill everyone later. Each action has a reaction.
All the Feels

The themes of choice, death, life, and acceptance are strong throughout. Bruno must come to terms with each of those ideas, sometimes the hard way. As a kid who was bullied when he was younger, and grew bitter later, his reluctance to do much at first is understandable, especially when those bullies are still a part of his life. Clinging to the few friends he has, and then suffering sudden loss, his apathy, even knowing that the world could end if he doesn’t help, screams PTSD. And if you are someone who has dealt with any of those situations, there is a part that will hit your heart like a hammer. The emotional impact is real, hurts like the dickens, but ultimately is cathartic.
In addition to the storyline, we are presented with logic puzzles later in the game. Working through them takes time and observation. There was a certain amount of frustration at times, but that was solely on my own inability to see what was right in front of my face. I never felt like I needed to rage quit or that the challenges were beyond me.
Final Thoughts
I’ll admit, when I first started RE:CALL, I was underwhelmed and worried the game would become monotonous. I was very wrong. When it became obvious that not only was the game much longer than I expected, but also deeper than what I saw on the surface, I settled in for a wild, and at times heartbreaking ride. RE:CALL is a masterpiece of simplistic game play, while challenging the mind and the emotions. The characters are unforgettable. And the ending is shocking- well… one of them. So, grab some tissue and your thinking cap, and enjoy.
RE:CALL is available on Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC through Steam and Epic Games. Review key provided by Whitethorne Games.
I’ll admit, when I first started RE:CALL, I was underwhelmed and worried the game would become monotonous. I was very wrong. When it became obvious that not only was the game much longer than I expected, but also deeper than what I saw on the surface, I settled in for a wild, and at times heartbreaking ride. RE:CALL is a masterpiece of simplistic game play, while challenging the mind and the emotions. The characters are unforgettable. And the ending is shocking- well… one of them. So, grab some tissue and your thinking cap, and enjoy.