Review: Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef
Warhammer games have become a dime a dozen these days, but each one has something different to offer. Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef, from developer Fatshark, is another in a recent string of Warhammer games, complimented with the recent release of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide. Where Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is a first-person cooperative shooter, Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is an amazing side-scrolling run’n’gun shooter.
Fashion is everything. When Great Warboos Ogruk Gutrekka steals a hair squig from the players’ character, all hell breaks loose. It is a tale of war and vengeance on the planet of Luteus Alpha. Armed with rage, and an impressive arsenal, players are thrust into the carnage to set things right. From humans to rival orks, its a violent gore, explosions, and dakka.
Make It Personal
Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef comes from the team that made a similar title, Guns, Gore, and Cannoli. The aforementioned title was known for its gameplay, animation, and entertaining story. While this new game takes place within an entirely different universe, the same elements apply, but with a lot more WAAAAGH! Flamethrowers and Orks takes the place of what were Tommy guns and zombies.
Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is wonderfully entertaining. As a side-scrolling shooter, the game feels like an adult cartoon that one would find in the Adult Swim block at eleven in the evening. As it is a Warhammer game, players use a variety of firearms from bolters to plasma guns. Each weapon has a distinct look and feel, as well as capability. A heavy sidearm bolter will have slower, but more damaging shots while the assault bolter will have lighter but more persistent shots. Heavier weapons, such as rocket launchers, compliment the arsenal as well.

Crush Your Enemies, see them driven before you
Enemies are aplenty in Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef . Enemies start out simple, with human soldiers and fellow orks. Soon, players are fighting towering freeblades and frightening Genestealer cultists. The difficulty is challenging but fair, though players aren’t invincible. There are health pickups in each level and checkpoints to use. When enemies get too much, they can enter WAAAGH mode to get crazy and crush the opposition.
As mentioned before, Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef feels like an adult animation. The voice work is sublime and the animation quality is strong. Between missions are entertaining cut scenes that give life to the situation and reason to the plight of the betrayed Ork. It’s an environment that had me chuckle good at points, absorbing the lunacy of the game. It’s a stark contrast to the more drab and dark tones of the other Warhamer 40,000 games. Where titles like Necromunda: Hired Gun shows every tone of gray and bronze possible, Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is delightfully colorful and bombastic.

Parties are better with friends
Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef works great as a single-player game, but the true fun is in co-operate multiplayer mayhem. Multiplayer is both local and online. Holding a double-barreled shotgun bolter to an enemy horde is fun enough alone, but three fellow orcs wielding serious heat becomes an absolutely enjoyable calamity of chaos. Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is great for solo players but far better for those with a friends.
Perhaps the only gripe with Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef are the controls. They work well but aren’t quite as fine-tuned. Aiming is done with the right stick but shooting is with the right bumper as opposed to the right trigger. Alternatively, using the right joystick as a trigger to fire in any direction would have been best too. Additionally, the melee attack could have had more of an “WHAM!” feeling to smashing enemies to pieces.
Final Thoughts
Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is one of the sharpest side-scrolling action games on the market right now. It’s stylish, comedic, challenging, action-packed, and is great with friends. Doesn’t matter if you are new to Warhammer or not. Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef unleashes the inner Ork. Play and let WAAAAAAAGHHHHH!
Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is out now and available on PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch and PC through Steam.
Store link for vanilla version: https://www.iningames.com/games/warhammer-40000-shootas-blood-teef/
GRC link for Collector’s edition: https://gamesrocket.com/Warhammer-40-000-Shootas-Blood-and-Teef/
Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef was reviewed on Nintendo Switch OLED thanks to a review key generously supplied to Mega Visions from the publisher.
Whether by yourself or with friends, Warhammer 4,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef is a fantastic good time. Like a favorite adult cartoon, its's filled with strong animation, good humor, and a lot of action to keep players entertained for hours.