RUMOR: Sonic Frontiers’ release date is November 15
According to a Taiwanese e-commerce listing, Sonic Frontiers will launch this November — with DLC on the way as well.
[UPDATE: As confirmed in a new trailer at Gamescom, Sonic Frontiers is actually launching a week earlier than rumored on November 8. The original article below speculated on Nov. 15 as the release date based on an unofficial source.]
One of our most hotly-anticipated games here at Mega Visions is Sonic Frontiers. SEGA has promised that it will launch this year, but a release date has evaded us so far. However, a rumored release date recently sprung up that claims November 15 as the day Sonic Frontiers comes out.
The rumored release date comes from Shopee, a Southeast Asian e-commerce store. The Taiwanese Shopee store recently opened a page for Sonic Frontiers, listing the release date as Nov. 15. It’s not currently known if this launch date, if it’s real to begin with, refers to a worldwide release date or simply when it will drop in Taiwan.
SEGA hasn’t officially announced a release date for Sonic Frontiers, so this listing should be taken with a grain of salt. However, it does seemingly confirm a previous rumor on Frontiers from the PlayStation database. We’ll just have to wait for SEGA to confirm whether or not this release date is true or not.

The rumored Sonic Frontiers release date: is it true?
This wouldn’t be the first time a release date has been revealed early by a store listing. If this rumor is true, the date certainly makes sense — a good mid-November release for the holidays.
SEGA has at least confirmed that Sonic Frontiers will be available to play at Gamescom this year. The company is also planning to launch a new trailer during this event, which could very well reveal the intended release date. For now, we just have this rumor to keep us occupied.
Another interesting note about the Shopee listing is that it apparently reveals DLC for the game. We don’t know what form this DLC will take, whether it be additional worlds / levels or story content. SEGA likely won’t announce this DLC right away, or at the very least, won’t give us a ton of specifics on it right away.
What do you think of this rumored Sonic Frontiers release date? Are you planning to play the game at Gamescom this year? Let us know!
Via VG247.