SEGA Console Sneakers now available in the west!
As we previously reported, Anippon, a Japanese game and anime licensed sneaker manufacturer, released 3 SEGA Console Sneaker models on October this year during Tokyo Game Show. These were Japan exclusive at first, but good news were unveiled today when the same Anippon and Otaku culture website, Tokyo Otaku Mode, have announced the SEGA Console Sneaker models will be available for Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States with a February 2016 release date, preorders have started at Tokyo Otaku Mode, each model will cost US $ 69.99.
Check the models below:
MEGA DRIVE ANIPPON SNEAKERS: Can be purchased here for US $ 69.99
SEGA SATURN ANIPPON SNEAKERS: Can be purchased here for US $ 69.99
DREAMCAST ANIPPON SNEAKERS: Can be purchased here for US $ 69.99