SEGA might be showing some E3 games at Atlus’ booth
We all know last year’s E3 was rather disappointing when it comes to SEGA, as they didn’t even have a booth. Their public reasoning was so they could focus “on the restructure and relocation to Southern California.”
In the end, it didn’t matter all that much as SEGA didn’t have much to show anyway, aside from Yakuza 5 and a few others. This year, though, they’re certain to make a big showing at E3, right?
Well, it turns out, SEGA of America might not have a booth for the second consecutive year; instead, it might have its games at Atlus’ booth, according to an Atlus page description on the E3 website.
The description reads, “Visit our booth featuring highly anticipated titles from ATLUS and SEGA, including Persona 5, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse, and Yakuza 0.”
This could mean one of several things:
- It’s simply a mistake, and some overzealous Atlus intern accidentally included Yakuza 0 when he meant to type Citizens of Earth 2.
- SEGA will still have a booth, but Atlus, and not SEGA, will publish Yakuza 0.
- SEGA won’t have a booth but will show all its games at Atlus’ booth.
While we learned in February that SEGA of Europe had a page description at E3, indicating that it will be at the event, it should be noted that its product category only has a PC/Windows listing. This could mean that it’s only showing off games like Total War: Warhammer, Dawn of War III and whatever new Football Manager it decides to release this year.
Would you be disappointed if SEGA didn’t have a booth at E3 again this year, or do
[Via NeoGAF]