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SEGA Nerdcast: Episode 119 (Fist of the North Hedgehog)
There’s been a ton of juicy news happening in the mythical realm of SEGA Land, and your trusty ol’ SEGA Nerds are here to bring it all to you!
In this week’s show we discuss:
- What We’ve Been Playing:
- Chris: Silver Valley (Master System), The TakeOver (PC)
- Graham: Agartha (Dreamcast)
- Marcin: Secret of Mana
- News Stand
- Shining Resonance Refrain is coming to the West this summer
- The ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ movie is coming November 2019
- Fist of the North Star demo drops on Japanese PS Store
- SEGA raises over £2,100 in GameBlast18 charity drive
- Featured Discussion: What were your thoughts on the new Shenmue 3 screens?
- Mail Bag
Listen now: [powerpress] Duration – 1 hr, 18 min. @ 37.8 MB
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We hope you enjoy the show!