SEGA Nerdcast: Episode 12
Our buddy Andrew Pine, the creator of In Ryo’s Footsteps and the owner of YouTube channel Its Cool From Saturn, joins the show this week to chat about video games and talk about his Indiegogo campaign for In Ryo’s Footsteps 2, which will have Andrew following Ryo Hazuki’s adventures in the original Shenmue!
[powerpress]Duration – 2 hrs, 5 min @ 57.2MB
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In this episode, we talk about:
- Introductions
- Andrew tells us about the OzComicCon 2013 in Australia
- Graham talks about his wild stag weekend in Wales
- Chris says something about the Fourth of July
- The Newsstand
- SEGA Community News
- We go in-depth with Andrew about In Ryo’s Footsteps 2
- Question of the Week: What is the most underrated SEGA game?
- Andrew: Headhunter (Dreamcast)
- Graham: Pen Pen TriIcelon, Xtreme Sports (Dreamcast)
- Chris: Elemental Gimmick Gear (Dreamcast)
- What have we been playing?
- Andrew: Doom, Virtua Racing (32X)
- Graham: Nothing, because he sucks
- Chris: The Last of Us, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Vita), Final Fantasy VI (Vita)
- Conclusion
- Welcome to the SEGA Nerds family, Lee Sparkes!
- Outro music: The Impersario