SEGA Nerdcast: Episode 43 (with Stephen Frost)
Our good buddy Stephen Frost dropped by this week’s SEGA Nerdcast to talk Sonic Boom … ya know, since he’s kinda the producer of the game and all.
We talk a multitude of things related to Sonic Boom, including why SEGA chose to develop the game on the Wii U, why the characters have wraps on their bodies, what’s the deal with Sonic and Knuckles getting a makeover and much, much more. Seriously, if you’re a Sonic fan, you want to give this show a listen.
If you have time, you can also check out a previous Nerdcast where we give our thoughts after SEGA revealed the new characters, game and TV show.
[powerpress] Duration – 1 hr, 18 min @ 28.4 MBReview us on iTunes | Subscribe to our RSS | Follow us on Twitter @seganerds | Like us on Facebook | Subscribe to us on YouTube
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