
SEGA’s developing a new Aliens game for next-gen consoles

It appears Aliens: Colonial Marines wasn’t so bad that it completely killed off the Aliens franchise as SEGA has trademarked a new video game called Alien: Isolation. According to a report by Kotaku, Isolation will be a “first-person shooter that uses both stealth and horror elements” and will feature Amanda, Ellen Ripley’s daughter, where she spends the bulk of the game inside a space station.

The game is being developed for both current and next-generation consoles, and if Kotaku’s article is accurate, this is SEGA’s first next-gen game, presumably to be released in North America and Europe, that we know about.

On the good side, the source tells the site that SEGA is deadset on not allowing another instance of Colonial Marines to happen, and they’ve already had a delay in the game’s development at least one time. This, we assume, is a good thing as SEGA seems serious about delivering a quality title, but, as we know, Colonial Marines had a fair bit of delays, and that didn’t turn out too well.

The most interesting question that remains is the studio that SEGA put on the job to develop Isolation, as we can’t imagine it will dare outsource development again after being burned by Gearbox and TimeGate. If you could pick, which internal SEGA studio would you like to see handle development duties on the new Alien title?

[Thanks for the tip, Blake!]

Chris Powell

Chris is the editor-in-chief of Mega Visions Magazine and the co-creator of SEGA Nerds. He was the former managing editor of Airman magazine and has written for publications like Joystiq, PSP Fanboy, RETRO magazine, among others.
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