UPDATE: SEGA’s latest trademarks include “SEGA Cyclone Development Kit” and more
Update: A tweet from a fellow SEGA Nerd, Lan G(@_Lan_Di_), has informed us that the “SEGA Development Kit” is an update of the current SEGA arcade game, Typhoon.
Original: A new batch of trademarks have been released by SEGA, Bandai Namco, and Koei Tecmo Games and they look pretty interesting. According to Gematsu, “Sega trademarked “Soukuu no Liberation” (Liberation of the Blue Sky) and “Sega Cyclone Development Kit.””
While this is entirely just speculation, Liberation of the Blue Sky sounds like a subtitle to an actual game title. Could we be seeing Skies of Arcadia: Liberation of the Blue Sky (Probably not)? While we could all hope that SEGA is secretly developing a new home or handheld console, the SEGA Cyclone Development Kit is most likely a new arcade cabinet.
Koei Tecmo Games filed a trademark for “Age of Revolution“, while Bandai Namco filed a trademark for “Fated Retribution” in Japan.
What do you think the trademarks from SEGA could be? Let us know in the comments below!
Via Gematsu