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Shenmue III’s North American pre-order bonuses are here

Shenmue III is approximately 3 months away and I couldn’t be more excited! Earlier today, Deep Silver and YS Net announced the pre-order bonuses for the North American audience.

Every pre-order will include the following items:

Snake Power: Three bottles of ‘Snake Power’ elixir to replenish energy during battle.
Playing Tokens: 5,000 playing tokens for the in-game gambling area.
“Blazing Kick” Advanced Training Scroll: Unlocks the advanced ability of the “Blazing Kick” to better challenge Ryo’s foes.
Toy Capsule: Set of 24 tickets to exchange for in-game capsule toys.

On top of those exclusive pre-order goodies, various retailers will have their own pre-order bonuses:

Kenpogi Training Wear DLC: Original training gear based on actual Chinese Kung Fu wear.

Best Buy

Limited Edition Steelbook: This illustrated Steelbook case captures the beauty and elegance of the Shenmue series and features portraits of Shenmue III heroes Ryo and Shenhua.

GameStop (US) / EB Games (Canada)

Dragon / Phoenix Mirror Medallion: This exquisitely-crafted physical item is inspired by the iconic Dragon and Phoenix mirrors of the Shenmue series.

Shenmue III is coming to PlayStation 4 and PC on November 19.

Via Gematsu

Marcin Gulik

Live and learn everyday. Dreamcast and Shenmue are the epitome of gaming!
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