Sonic Generations gets a first person mod, and it’s vomit inducing
Sonic Generations was one of my favorite entries in the hedgehog series, right behind Sonic Mania. It took our two favorite blue fellas from different universes and collided them together in one giant speedy extravaganza. Sonic Generations is one of the best reviewed titles in the franchise, and a fan favorite. As with other dedicated fanbases, the Sonic fandom consistently breathes new life into their favorite classics.
First person games are common and popular genre, but what about if you were put in the shoes of Sonic the Hedgehog? Skyth, who is a dedicated programmer and reverse engineer, took that theory to task. Skyth has a small library of Sonic mods through gamebanana, where he gets to show off his hard work. On Twitter, he sent out a tweet where you play as Sonic in a first person view, and it’s one hell of a dizzying adventure.
There is zero camera stabilization in this mod, so this Sonic Generations mod is one giant barf fest. In the video, you get to play as Sonic through his own eyes; bouncing, grinding down rails, and zooming off platforms into the sky. If you get motion sickness pretty easily, I don’t recommend watching the video… I probably should have put the warning before the embedded post (whoops!). Skyth gives his own warning for the Sonic Generations mod, saying:
I am absolutely NOT responsible for what happens to you…Play at your own risk. Warning: this video is going to badly hurt your eyes.
You can try out the mod yourself (at your own risk):
What do you think of the Sonic Generations mod? Share your thoughts with us below!