After another one of Nintendo’s copyright rampages against YouTuber GilvaSunner, fans were mourning for their favorite game OSTs. In the wake of Nintendo’s mistakes, Square Enix stepped up to the plate. With the Square Enix Music Channel, fans can listen to countless OSTs, including all the Final Fantasy soundtracks.
The Square Enix Music Channel
Square Enix already had a good amount of their music on streaming platforms such as Spotify. Now, they’ve decided to port some of the soundtracks over to YouTube. The channel now has countless playlists with its OSTs, making more than 5,500 tracks available to the public. While not everything is on there yet, fans can now listen to these different series on YouTube:
Now, you can listen to the genius of composers such as Nobuo Uematsu, Keiichi Okabe, Yoko Shimomura, and more. Some personal favorites I’d recommend are Amusement Park from NieR: Automata and Under the Rotting Pizza from Final Fantasy VII Remake. But really, I could listen to any of these OSTs on the Square Enix Music Channel for hours on end.
Not every game soundtrack in those series have been uploaded yet, such as Final Fantasy XV. However, that OST, along with some others, are currently on other platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music; it’s possible those soundtracks could be coming over to YouTube eventually, but Square Enix hasn’t gotten around to it yet.
Square Enix did what Nintendo couldn’t
Even if not everything has been brought over to YouTube yet, the Square Enix Music Channel is doing what fans have been wanting for years. Unlike Nintendo’s copyright strikes working against their own fans for wanting to enjoy their music, Square Enix works to make it more free and accessible for everyone. I hope that the Square Enix Music Channel will herald the way for other game companies to realize this is what fans really want.