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Streets of Rage 4 DLC is coming in the future

Back in April, Streets of Rage 4 was finally released to the world, receiving great reviews from critics and fans alike. During a Reddit AMA on PS4’s subreddit, Dotemu CEO gave fans some positive news in regards to DLC:

“We have many ideas, and we really want to add more content in the future…But nothing has been decided yet, so we are listening to you and will let you know ‘what’ and ‘when’ soon.”

Cyrille Imbert

A follow-up tweet, Dotemu says there is no solid release date for said DLC

What kind of DLC do you hope to see for Streets of Rage 4? Let us know in the comments below!


Marcin Gulik

Live and learn everyday. Dreamcast and Shenmue are the epitome of gaming!
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