Take a look at F-Zero on the SEGA Genesis
F-Zero, the flagship title for Nintendo’s SNES console, has been converted into a SEGA Genesis game! F-Zero was one of the few titles that featured Nintendo’s Mode 7 graphics option. The mode allowed developers to scale and rotate backgrounds in order to create a pseudo 3D effect.
This is what F-Zero looks like on the SNES:
SEGA- 16 forum member gasega68k developed the pseudo Mode 7 for the Genesis, and he explained how he did it on the SEGA-16 forums:
“I’m using the external Ram 64Kb in Word mode, to use as a “virtual map” of 256 x 256 8bit (256 colors “simulated” as in Wolf3D), the idea is that when we move on the map, it will uploading new “tiles” (a size of 8 x 8 = 64 bytes), similar to what is done for normal scroll, but as “tiles” of 64 bytes.”
This is what F-Zero looks like on the SEGA Genesis:
It looks pretty impressive if I say so myself. What do you guys think?
Source: Kotaku