Our friends at iRetroGamer have recently joined forces with fellow YouTubers to assemble The Power Team, where they debate and discuss various topics near and dear to our hearts.
Their latest video touches on a pretty sensitive topic – which is the better game between Sonic Mania and Sonic CD. Personally, Sonic Mania edges out Sonic CD for me because I was never that big of a fan of the time-traveling aspect in Sonic CD, and Mania builds upon every classic Sonic game that came before it while also not forgetting its past, if that makes any sense whatsoever.
I guess it really doesn’t matter either way, because topics like this are totally subjective, and this is the Internet, so we’ll always respect each other’s opinion even if they differ radically from our own, right?
Anyway, how ’bout you weigh in on this topic and let us know which game you think is better and be sure to explain yourself!