Three new Star Wars games are in development at Respawn Entertainment
A sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order, a first-person shooter, and a strategy game by Bit Reactor are in the works.
It’s an interesting time to be a Star Wars fan. Riding off the coattails of a financially successful film trilogy, Lucasfilm has released several TV shows, books, and stories to expand the universe further. Video games are another key aspect of this evolving strategy, and courtesy of Electronic Arts’ Respawn Entertainment, three more Star Wars games are on the way.
Respawn previously developed the 2018 action-adventure Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Critically acclaimed and commercially successful, many signaled it as a return to form for Star Wars tie-in games. A sequel to Fallen Order is confirmed to be one of the three titles under development at Respawn. A first-person shooter led by Peter Hirschmann and a strategy game by Bit Reactor are also in the works.

What we know about Respawn’s new Star Wars games
One of the three titles announced was a sequel to Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Stig Asmussen, the first game’s director, is on board to lead the team. Considering the game’s success, a sequel was a no-brainer and we’re excited to see what the Jedi: Fallen Order has in store for us.
The other two games will bring a different flair to the Star Wars universe. One is a first-person shooter led by Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond director Peter Hirschmann. The other is a strategy game developed by Bit Reactor, a company founded by XCOM developers from Firaxis. (Respawn will publish the game).
Unfortunately, we know very little about these games as of yet. We expect more details will come throughout the year.

Following these three titles, however, it seems that this may be the end for Star Wars games from EA. According to VentureBeat, EA is shifting priorities to its own properties, supposedly to reduce costs associated with using the Star Wars license. EA hasn’t confirmed this one way or the other yet; however, since Star Wars Battlefront developer DICE is focusing on its core series Battlefield, this could very well be true.
Other developers are also working on their own Star Wars game, lending further credence to this rumor. Quantic Dream recently showed a trailer for its upcoming Star Wars: Eclipse, and last year, Ubisoft’s Massive Entertainment announced an untitled Star Wars project. Aspyr Media is also working on a remake of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for the PlayStation 5; according to reports, EA and original developer Bioware aren’t involved with this.
Which of these new Star Wars titles from Respawn are you most excited to play? Let us know!
Via Electronic Arts.