Tommy Tallarico is stepping down as Intellivision’s CEO
Phil Adam, the company's chief revenue officer, will take over for Tallarico as CEO.
The story of the ever-elusive Intellivision Amico continues to grow more tangled and confusing. Tommy Tallarico, founder of Intellivision Entertainment, has stepped down from his role as CEO of the company. He will remain at Intellivision as president and board member and is still involved in decision-making for the company.
Phil Adam, Intellivision’s chief revenue officer, will take Tallarico’s place as CEO. Adam, previously the founder and president of Spectrum HoloByte, joined Intellivision in 2018.
Intellivision told IGN in a statement that this shift in management came about as the Amico began production. According to the company, the move will “better align its [Intellivision’s] resources with those new challenges.” Considering the multitude of delays that have befallen the Amico as well as several other problems impacting the launch, there’s really no telling what this shake-up will mean for Intellivision.

Why is Tommy Tallarico stepping down as CEO of Intellivision?
When Tommy Tallarico bought the rights to the Intellivision name in 2017, he envisioned a family-oriented console that harkened back to the days of retro gaming. Thought a novel idea, the journey from announcement to release hasn’t been going the smoothest. Delays, production issues, and Tallarico’s erratic behavior have all gained more attention than the console itself. And with no concrete release date, the state of the console (and company, by extension) is no doubt raising eyebrows.
Adam had the following to say on his new position:
As a 30+ year industry executive, I am excited to transition into the CEO role at Intellivision. As a business closing in on the last phase before launch, Tommy felt it important to provide focused roles so he can continue to do the things he loves the most. We will be working hand in hand to bring Amico to the market.
Phil Adam, CEO of Intellivision Entertainment
The Amico was first promised to launch in December 2020; however, after a series of delays and pandemic-related supply chain issues, the release was pushed back to “by the end of 2021.” We’re one month into 2022 and Intellivision still hasn’t launched the console. We can only hope that Adam’s appointment as CEO is an indication of a brighter future for the Amico.
Via GamesIndustry.biz.