Virtua Fighter 5 Receives Update; Version 1.04 Delivers ‘Vital Tweaks’
Boy, it sure has been eventful for Virtua Fighter fans of late. Not only did series producer Seiji Aoki recently dangle the tantalising carrot of Virtua Fighter 6 in front of all our noses, but now the fifth entry has received a notable update in the US. Methinks something could be on the horizon, but far be it from me to jinx it all.
As Destructoid reports, SEGA has put out version 1.04 for the beloved fighter. It brings with it “some improved networking options, a few bug fixes, and some small, but vital tweaks to the fighter’s online mode.” Sounds like a couple of things a certain other prominent gaming network could use. But I won’t name any Nintendos – I mean, Nintendo any names… Nametendo any… ah, whatever.

These so-called ‘tweaks’ entail the following: “VF 5: US now supports invites for Room Matches, as well as the option to reserve slots for your friends/rivals. Host migration has been tweaked for Tournament and League matches, so the tourney won’t collapse once a salty host drops out. General tweaks have been made to online in general, as Ryu Ga Gotoku continues in efforts to solidify VF 5:US‘s connectivity and general online stability.”
Mention is also made of a few aesthetic adjustments in the form of loading screen tips, changes to the way fight spectators can behave, and the beginnings of a fix to an infamous “countdown kick” bug. Apparently, this causes players to get booted from a game just as it’s about to start. Sounds annoying.

All of this support bodes well for SEGA’s continued investment into the franchise, and, if we dare to dream, for a potential evolution or continuation somewhere down the line. When it comes to brawlers, give me polys over pixels any day.
Are you a fan of the Virtua Fighter series? Will you be picking up this patch? What do you think this means for the series’ future? Let us know!
Via, Destructoid.