Watch new .hack//G.U. Last Recode gameplay footage
Don’t worry, we haven’t messed up the HTML in that headline, as much as ‘hack//G.U.’ reads like a bunch of jumbled code. That effect is very much intentional, as Bandai Namco‘s new Switch release centers heavily around environments of the digital persuasion. RPG fans and retro enthusiasts alike may recognize the name – a trilogy of PS2 titles, releasing between 2006 and 2007, followed on from a series of earlier instalments (simply called .hack; apparently the suffix //G.U. was to Bandai what ‘Deluxe’ is to Nintendo these days) which met with lukewarm reception.
Following online gamer Haseo, who’s on the prowl for revenge against fellow player ‘Tri-Edge’ after they bump off his friend, they take place in a gigantic fictional MMO. It’s precisely these three later games which are being compiled imminently on the Switch.
Coding in context
See if you can follow along with this. The .hack//G.U. trilogy, which was itself an attempt to rekindle the ailing fortunes of an existing series, was remastered in 2017 for the PS4. Now, that remaster is being remastered for the Switch. A remaster of a remaster of a spiritual reboot. We’re several layers deep here, people. Where did I put my looking glass? I fancy a trip somewhere less confusing.
.hack//G.U. Last Recode, then, should represent the absolute best state these adventures have ever been in, all being well. As SiliconEra reports, Bandai Namco have put out a new trailer for the port, and… well, I say ‘trailer’, but it’s more ‘extended gameplay demo.’ Sixteen solid minutes of the opening act are shown, allowing prospective buyers a hearty glimpse into what they can expect from this. Take a look:
.hack//G.U. Last Recode introduction
“The trailer, which is actually the first 16 minutes of .hack//G.U. Last Recode, involves Sakaki and Haseo coming to a heated argument about “player killing” within The World,” states the report. “The video also contains several flashbacks, which features Haseo with a friend who looks similar to Atoli. At the end of the trailer, a major protagonist of the .hack//G.U. series is introduced.”
It’s worth noting that several plot spoilers are present in the trailer’s overview, so anyone who’s a .hack//G.U. virgin – and really, where have you been all these years? – had best steer clear. Unless you don’t care, in which case be my guest. We absolve all liability.

Fans of the franchise who are hesitant about double (or potentially triple, dependent on tenure) dipping should also know that this port “features an epilogue, which expands upon the ending of the games.” It’s up to you whether or not that’s worth your dosh, but it’s a neat bonus for those hungry for more lore.
As for me? Eh. I’ll wait for the Deluxe Plus XL re:coded edition in five years’ time.
.hack//G.U. Last Recode will release worldwide for Nintendo Switch on March 10. Will you be picking it up? Let us know!
Via, SiliconEra.