Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers now get Marvel Comics for free
Xbox Game Pass is already quite the generous subscription service – as corporate money-sucking opportunities go, that is. Offering a wide variety of games that rotate on a regular basis, and a bunch of other bells and whistles including Live and some PC features, all for a (generally) static fee, Nintendo and Sony could stand to take a couple pages from its digital playbook. Now, another perk has been tossed onto the pile, and it’s a curious one indeed; being something that’s likely to appeal only to a select demographic. But hey, nothing wrong with a bit of niche exploitation, eh?
A comical addition
As GameInformer reports, subscribers to the Game Pass Ultimate package will now be granted access to three full months of Marvel Comics Ultimate. What’s that, you ask? Some sort of crossover Marvel fighting game? Well, no (and wherever would you have gotten that idea, you daft berk?). It’s a service which catalogues almost 30,000 digital issues of various Marvel comics. Like, actual comic books. Remember those, kiddiewinks? The ones that used to be printed on mashed tree pulp?
Check out the trailer for the deal below:
Marvel Comics Ultimate lets you peruse “tons of comic books on devices like phones, tablets, and more.” Think Netflix, except with stories following the likes of Iron Man, Spiderman, and Insert-Noun-Here-Man. Perhaps Disney Plus would be the better analogy, though – the Mouse House owning as they do most of the Marvel universe. I’m sure Mickey and Chapek are having their pockets neatly lined as I type. Lucky beggars.
There’s but one catch, however. “You must be a new Marvel Unlimited subscriber to take advantage of this deal. If you already have a subscription or have had one in the past, you will not be able to take advantage of these three free months on that account. However, you could always create a new Marvel Unlimited account.” Ah, loopholes.
Will you be exploiting said loophole, or are you a new user? Will you be reading some Guardians of the Galaxy via your Xbox? Let us know!
Via, GameInformer.