There have been many SEGA Genesis games with legendary soundtracks, but to the best of our knowledge, there’s never been a Genesis game whose soul purpose is to contain nothing but a legendary soundtrack until now.
YM2017 is an upcoming, nine-track compilation cartridge for the Genesis by way of Catskull Electronics. What’s even crazier is the cartridge will feature an on-board 8×8 LED display that will show graphics and act as a real-time visualizer, according to the Catskull Electronics website.
The album/cartridge is available to pre-order now for $45, and the website includes previews of each song that will be included.
I’m not very familiar with most of the artists included in the album, but from what I heard from the preview, the album sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun to listen to, and the cart could be a sweet conversation starter for when you have company over!
You can pre-order the YM2017 cart here.