Modder sultim_t is developing a ray-tracing mod for Valve’s classic first-person shooter Half Life. The mod, Half Life: Ray Traced, should become available sometime this year.
The new project builds off a previous attempt to bring ray-tracing to Half-Life. According to sultim_t, the finished mod will enhance the original game’s lighting with real-time path tracing.
With the hardware accelerated ray-tracing, it is possible to calculate global illumination, reflections, refractions, soft shadows and other visual effects with interactive framerates.
Previously, sultim_t worked on a similar project for Serious Sam. The impressive mod for Serious Sam: The First Encounter also highlights the modder’s skills and teases what fans can expect for Half-Life: Ray Traced. You can view the trailer below, showcasing the game’s improved graphics below. In addition, you can install the mod on Github.
Although sultim_t expects the mod to release this year, the user admits the development will take time. However, once completed, Half-Life: Ray Traced and its source code will be available on Github. For now, however, you can enjoy this short teaser, showcasing the Half-Life ray-tracing project’s current development state.
Are you excited for Half-Life: Ray Traced? Let us know below!
Via Eurogamer